Rescheduled Open House 2020-21

Due to COVID-19, our open house assembly must be changed to ensure the safety of our parents and staff. Therefore, Westbank Cathedral will be having one open house program each night for a different age group. Even with this change we must keep numbers as low as possible. We are asking that each student only have two parents in attendance, and only one parent if possible. Open house will be for parents only. No students will be allowed to come on these nights. In addition, we are requiring all who attend to wear a face mask. If you cannot wear a face mask due to medical or other reasons, let us know and a phone appointment can be made to receive information.

As usual, your child’s tuition payment will be collected at open house. Please turn in your check or money order at the foyer desk when entering for this assembly. Your receipt will be sent home in your child’s folder on the first day of school – August 10.

If you have more than one child enrolled in our school, you will only need to attend one open house assembly, and you will receive a phone call from your other child’s teacher with important information.

There is no need to bring in school supplies for open house. Due to the time it takes to disinfect and pick up all school supplies, an earlier date has been set for you to bring in these items. This will allow our teachers the needed time to organize their classroom and disinfect all supplies. Open house and supply drop off dates are as follows:

Open House Dates and Times:

2 year old parent assembly............................................... Monday, August 3 at 6:00PM
3 year old parent assembly .............................................. Tuesday, August 4 at 6:00PM
Pre K-4 parent assembly.....................................................Thursday, August 6 at 6:00PM
K-5 parent assembly............................................................Friday, August 7 at 6:00PM

School Supply Drop-off Dates

K-5 and 2 year old class..........................Tuesday, July 28, 8:00-10:00AM or 4:00-6:00PM
Pre K-4 and 3 year old class...................Thursday, July 30, 8:00-10:00AM or 4:00-6:00PM